

An ultrasonic generator was used in the Soxhlet extractor. To evaluate the process, the solvent flow was examined. The influence of the flow time in the Soxhlet on the process was analyzed. The formula for the residence time of streaming particles in the apparatus is given. A standardized volume curve V was formed. The time required for the solvent to remain in the apparatus is important during the extraction process. The description of the structure of flows of mass metabolic processes also means that it allows you to determine the movement and distribution of substances in these flows. Therefore, we wrote a hydrodynamic model of flows in the Soxhlet in the form of equations that represent the change in time in the apparatus. Ways to accelerate the extraction process are considered. The advantages of each method have been explored. Ultrasonic acceleration was selected from the investigated method. The parameters of the generator for generating ultrasound are considered. A compatible generator was selected. Selected “High Power Ultrosonic Generator” 40 kHz, 1.2 kW because it uses less power and does not affect the balance of the device. If a generator with high parameters is selected, the effect on the balance of the device is determined. For large extractors, a high-performance ultrasonic generator is recommended. The schematic diagram of the selected generator is taken from the reference book. We have performed a complete extraction process to estimate the energy consumption of the process. It turned out that the process, carried out with the help of ultrasound, is fast and energy efficient. The experiments took over an hour to evaluate the process. While 10 ml of the substance was extracted from the extracted basil leaf for one hour, 15 ml of the substance was separated from the addition process by sonication for one hour. In each experiment, the mode was chosen the same. Graphs were drawn to compare the results.

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