

In the oil and fat enterprises in the course of technological processes use a large amount of water, which in the form of wastewater is discharged into the sewer system, rivers, etc.The composition of wastewater oil and fat production contains oils, fatty acids, alkali, soap, mineral acids and other impurities. Purification of such complex composition of water requires the use of special methods of purification from impurities, as suspended solids, COD, BOD, pH and other indicators do not correspond to the level of the MPC. The article discusses the method and reduces the level of COD and the complex composition of waste oil and fat production of JSC "Urgench his-mine." The optimal values of the defecate-waste content of the Khorezm Shakar sugar production have been studied. The method for reducing the COD of production effluent to the level of MPC, i.e. pH values of 6.7-6.8.

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