

The problems of the new industry 4.0 automation paradigm are considered and the latest technologies in the field of information and communication technologies that stimulate it are analyzed, including cyber-physical systems, cloud computing, the Internet of things and big data. Some methods of multidimensional, multi-faceted industrial representation and analysis of big data are proposed. The basics of big data processing using granular computing methods have been developed. Marked the emergence of the problem of creation of special cognitive tool for constructing artificial agents, understanding integrated intelligence enterprises. In the process of information protection at the enterprise, it is proposed to optimize the information system of the enterprise and implement a protection mechanism for each part, as well as to group the risks for information in this system in a distributed information system.

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2. V.V.Men'shih, N.E.Spiridonova, “Ocenki vozmojnosti nesankcionirovannogo dostupa v informacionnuyu sistemu s pomosch''yu metoda analiza ierarhiy” [Assessment of the possibility of unauthorized access to the information system using the new method of hierarchy analysis], Tehnika i bezopasnost' ob`ektov ugolovno-ispolnitel'noy sistemy' : sbornik materialov mejdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii, Voronej, 2018, pp. 241-244. (in Russian).

3. V.V.Filippov, M.S.Romanov, “Sravnitel'ny'y analiz sovremenny'h integrirovanny'h sistem bezopasnosti” [Comparative analysis of modern integrated security systems], Aktual'ny'e voprosy' e`kspluatacii sistem ohrannogo monitoringa i zasch'isch'enny'h telekommunikacionny'h sistem : sbornik materialov vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii, Voronej, 2018, pp. 87-88. (in Russian).

4. M.S.Romanov, S.A.Grechany'y, “Zadacha razrabotki matematicheskih modeley optimal'noy territorial'no raspredelennoy sistemy' centralizovannogo nablyudeniya Rosgvardii” [Task of developing a mathematical model of an optimal geographically distributed system of centralized surveillance of Resgvardii], Vestnik Voronejskogo instituta MVD Rossii, no. 2, pp. 94-101, 2018. (in Russian.)

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7. V.A.Matveev, A.M.Morozov, R.A.Bel'fer, “Ocenka urovnya riska ugrozy' bezopasnosti froda v seti VoIP po protokolu SIP” [Assessment of risk level of fraud in the VoIP network over the SIP Protocol], E`lektrosvyaz', no. 6, pp. 35-38, 2014. (in Russian.).

8. R.A.Bel'fer, D.A.Kalyujny'y, D.V.Tarasova, “Analiz zavisimosti urovnya riska ugroz bezopasnosti setey svyazi ot e`kspertny'h danny'h pri raschetah s ispol'zovaniem teorii nechetkih mnojestv” [Analysis of the dependence of risk level of a security threat to the communication network on the expert data in calculations using the theory of fuzzy sets], Voprosy' kiberbezopasnosti, no. 1(2), pp. 61-67, 2014. (in Russian).

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11. Bekmuratov Tulkun Fayzievich, Botirov Fayzullajon Bakhtiyorovich, Haydarov Elshod Dilshod ugli, “Electronic spam filtering based on neural networks”, Сhemical technology. Control and management, no. 3(93), pp. 59-65, 2020.



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