

The standards of the information security management system (IMS) are considered and the main aspects of information security management are studied, in particular the international standard ISO/IEC 27001, the Process approach to the management of IS, the stages of development of the information security management system. The measures taken for the organization of information security management systems are defined. Organizational measures include the implementation of information security management systems in the organization.

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  1. G.A.Popov, A.G.Popov, N.D.Shishkin, M.F.Rudenko, “The conceptual scheme of information security in the object protection model” Вестник АГТУ.Сер.: Управления, вычислительная техника и информатика, no. 4, pp. 45-53, 2017. DOI: 10.24143/2072-9502-2017-4-45-53
  2. “Library of electronic resources. A priori suspicion” Access mode: http://www.safensoft.ru/security.phtml -P 366, free
  3. “Library of electronic resources. Enterprise Security”, Access mode: http://arcsight.com/product_info_esm.htm, free.
  4. S.Nesterov, “Osnovy informatsionnoi bezopasnosti” [Fundamentals of information security], Saint-Petersburg, Lan' Publ, 2016. 324 p. (in Russian).
  5. E.K.Baranova, A.V.Babash, “Informatsionnaia bezopasnost' i zashchita informatsii” [Information security and information protection], Moscow, ITs RIOR, NITs INFRA-M, 2016. 322 p.
  6. A.V.Galitskiy, S.D.Ryabko, V.F.Shangin, “Information security in the network - analysis of technologies and synthesis of solutions”, Moskva: DMK Press, 616 p. (Series "Administration and Protection").
  7. GOST ISO / IEC 27001 [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://www.specon.ru/files/ISO27001.pdf, free.



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