

In this article, the way of creation mathematical model of a control system and diagnostics of the security status of the oil and gas territory is considered. For performing diagnostics of the safety of a status of the oil and gas territory as a mathematical apparatus it is suggested to use a boolean algebra. The main controlled objects and their technological parameters which define safety, integrity of saving, operational carrying out monitoring status as separate objects and all oil and gas territory, prediction of the expected threats, economic social, and economic damage are selected. For the creation of a mathematical model truth diagrams the reflecting dependences of statuses of output parameters of the automatic machine on statuses of input controlled parameters and its internal statuses are made. As a result of a series of transformations, elements of the diagnosis of the dependence of the limiting values of the state of the monitored parameters are displayed in a more compact form: the appearance of smoke, the presence/absence of flame, the appearance/disappearance of objects, changes in levels and pressure in reservoirs, and other parameters of the oil and gas territory from their input states. General Boolean functions — mathematical models of diagnoses that describe the unsatisfactory and satisfactory state of the oil and gas territory in terms of complex parameters, are written in disjunctive and conjunctive normal form.

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