

The article presents the general principles of construction of contactless ferromagnetic converters of large direct currents, the main requirements for them, and the results of the development of one of the developed wide-range magnetomodulation contactless converters of control and control systems concerning large electric power facilities. The developed converter, unlike the known ones, have a wide range of controlled currents, increased accuracy and sensitivity, a technological design, and small weight and dimensions at low material consumption and cost. The errors of contactless wide-range magnetomodulation converters from the influence of currents of neighboring buses connected by and the opposite direction are considered. The conducted studies have shown that the error from the values of the voltages of neighboring busbars with currents when changing the number of measurement points in a split magnetic circuit changes slightly if the number of measurement points exceeds twelve.

The developed magnetomodulating contactless converter can be widely used in monitoring and control systems in water supply, land reclamation, and irrigation, industry, railway transport, metallurgy, science, technology, as well as for checking electric meters at the place of their installation for contactless monitoring of direct and alternating currents.

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