

The article examines the magnetic circuits of both existing and developed differential transformer displacement sensors for large linear displacements. These circuits are characterized by a specific distribution structure of magnetic resistance parameters in long ferromagnetic cores and the magnetic capacitance between them. It is shown that in the existing sensor, the distribution of working magnetic flux along the length of the ferromagnetic cores has a nonlinear nature, resulting in a nonlinear relationship between the output signal in the form of electromotive force and the input linear displacement of the sensor. It has been established that by selecting the law of variation of the working air gap between the average and inner concentric cores along the displacement of the movable measurement winding, with the average concentric core being shaped as a rotational paraboloid, a linear distribution of working magnetic fluxes along the length of the ferromagnetic cores and linearity of the conversion characteristic of the differential transformer displacement sensor for large linear displacements are achieved.

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