

The paper presents the possibilities of using evolutionary algorithms to solve the problem of optimizing the operation modes of electric power facilities in the presence of constraints in the form of inequalities and equalities. The limits of constraints have a variable character, depending on the generated and consumed energy. Existing methods used for the optimization of modes are based on general principles and approaches to optimization, which usually adapt to the specifics of the problem. In electric power facilities, optimization problems have some peculiarities, among which is the presence of multiple constraints applied to both independent and dependent variables. Many of these constraints are nonlinear and have a complex nature, which significantly complicates the use of widely used methods of nonlinear programming, which involve working only with linear or constraints with constant bounds. To solve this problem, we proposed an algorithm for calculating the complex optimization of total power loss in electrical networks based on evolutionary algorithms. The proposed evolutionary algorithm for the optimization of modes of electric power systems with discrete values of constraints does not require large assumptions and simplifications of the problem. The advantages of the proposed evolutionary algorithm in solving the problem of complex optimization of power system mode are substantiated. Unlike the known algorithms, the proposed algorithm has a high speed of calculation of the optimization problem, i.e. it takes twice less time to find the optimal values of variables.

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