

In the article, the magnetic chain of a differential type angular displacement transformer converter with a variable active area of a movable ferromagnetic ring is considered as a magnetic chain with distributed parameters in which the thickness of the movable ferromagnetic ring is a linear function of the angular displacement of the converter. It is shown that although in magnetic chains with a special distribution structure of the magnetic parameters of the resistance of ferromagnetic rings and the magnetic conductivity of the working gap between the rings, the same conditions are created for the passage of the lines of force of the working magnetic field along the steel throughout the entire length of the air gap, due to the distributed nature of the magnetic parameters, there is a non-linearity of the distribution of the working magnetic flux and, consequently, the nonlinearity of the static characteristics of the converter, and the degree of their nonlinearity, the greater, the greater the magnitude of the attenuation coefficient of the magnetic field in the magnetic chain. It is shown that due to the thickness of both rings decreasing from their points connected to the jumper to the diametrically opposite point of the ring according to a linear law, working magnetic fluxes distributed along the angle of these rings strictly according to a linear law are created in the rings, as a result of which the linearity of the static characteristics of the proposed angular displacement converter is achieved.

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