

The article presents the results of an experimental study on the hydraulic resistance of a tubular-grid nozzle made of smooth pipes and pipes with spiral turbulators. Experiments were carried out with nozzles made of smooth pipes and pipes with turbulators. Spiral turbulators are placed discretely with a step t/d=0,3125-0,9375 and installed on a tube sheet in a checkerboard pattern with a step s/d=1,15-10. Experimental studies were carried out with air flow in the transition region.

It has been established that with increasing numerical values of the dimensionless parameter s/d, the resistance of the pipe package decreases from 1,3 to 1,8 times depending on the flow speed w, the spacing of turbulators t/d and pipes s/d. The research results are summarized and a formula is obtained for calculating the hydraulic resistance of a tubular-grid nozzle with an error of ±10%.

It was revealed that the shape and size of turbulators effectively influence the flow in general and at the pipe wall. In particular, the streamlined design of pipes with turbulators contributes to the formation of a flow structure with the desired properties of the local and vortex effects. In addition, the transition flow regime occurs at lower Reynolds numbers.

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