There have been determined the composition of liquid complex fertilizers based on low concentrated wet-processing phosphoric acid from washed and calcinated phosphoconcentrated of Kyzylkum. The density and viscosity of the liquid fertilizers were studied at wide temperatures (30-80оС). It was given the list of chemical compounds generated at ammonization of wet-processing phosphoric acid with various impurities. In order to reduce precipitation of residues during the neutralization 26% aqua suspension of bentonite was used as suspendered agent in amount of 1 to 3%. Rheological properties of the nitrogen-phosphate solution show that they are in liquid condition.
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Recommended Citation
Nomozov, Sh.Yu; Alimov, U.K; Namazov, Sh.S; and Seytnazarov, A.R
"Liquid suspended fertilizers on base wet-processing phosphoric acid of kyzylkum .,"
Chemical Technology, Control and Management: Vol. 2018:
4, Article 1.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34920/2018.6.5-16