The problems of formation and construction of stable algorithms for estimating the covariance matrices of input disturbances of the control object based on the methods of successive approximations are considered. Algorithms for the stable estimation of covariance matrices of perturbations at the input of an object are presented based on the concepts of iterative algorithms. The regular algorithms given above make it possible to produce a stable estimation of the covariance matrix of the object noise based on the concepts of the synthesis of adaptive filters and thereby increase the accuracy of the adaptive estimation procedure.
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Recommended Citation
Zaripov, O.O and Shukurova, O.P
"Estimation of the covariation matrix of disturbances at the entrance of the controlled object on the basis of iterative algorithms .,"
Chemical Technology, Control and Management: Vol. 2018:
4, Article 8.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34920/2018.6.46-49