The issues of forecasting the reliability of integrated circuits, which are the main element base of modern radio engineering information transmission systems, are considered. Methods of parametric and functional control are described to determine the correspondence of the static and dynamic parameters of microcircuits to the required values. A combined method for determining the operating parameters of microcircuits is also described. The advantage of this method in addition to the two above methods is indicated that it combines the function of controlling the operation of the entire control system. Two approaches for predicting reliability are given, as well as mathematical relationships for calculating the failure rate of integrated circuits. Which assume the identity of the manufacturing operations of the test and predicted chips, and are based on the fact that the reliability of the chips depends on the size of the chip topology, control mode, temperature, and other operating conditions.
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Recommended Citation
Nazarov, Abdulaziz M. Prof and Davronbekov, Dilmurod A. Prof.
Chemical Technology, Control and Management: Vol. 2020:
1, Article 3.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34920/2020.1.32-39
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