

This article presents the results of obtaining biopolymers of chitin and chitosan from a new promising source- died honey bee apis mellifera. To obtain chitin, at the first stage, the protein (deproteination) and mineral (demineralization) constituents of subpestilence, i.e. put them in soluble state and removed. Demineralization was carried out with 2 M hudrochloric acid for 5 hours at room temperature. The process of deproteination is carried out by processing the crushed raw materials with 1 N sodium hudroxide solution for 1 hour at a temperature of 800С. Each process was accompanied by washing the raw materials to a natural wash water reaction (pH=7). At the next stage, chitin deacetylation under the influence of a 35% aqueous NaOH solution at a temperature of 850С for 4 hours produced chitosan, which is a high molecular weight glucosamine polymer, and dried at 50-550С. The resulting mass was decolorized with a 3% H2O2 solution and washed ethanol.

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