

Considers the synthesis of effective control algorithms for a chemical reactor, which is the main one in the production of butyl alcohol. The method based on synergetic approach for transferring the apparatus from one capacity to another (specified) maintaining the required quality of the target component is proposed in order to ensure the stabilization of the concentration of target component at the outlet of the reactor under the conditions of uncertain disturbances affecting to an object. A mathematical model of the process based on a stoichiometric matrix taking into account the physicochemical properties of the process is developed. The control algorithm was synthesized by the method of analytical design of an aggregate controller that provides the necessary property of a control system for a chemical reactor. The mathematical model of the process serves as the basis for the selection of attractors of phase variables. The proposed method for synthesizing a control system based on a synergistic approach has made it possible to better stabilize the temperature regime of the process and the concentration of chemical reagents.

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