The article considers the problem of creating a smoke detection and fire detection system for technological objects. Fire detection is carried out using a vision system. Monitoring of technological objects is carried out using an unmanned aerial vehicle. For further actions, processing and classification of images is necessary. When observing the technological apparatuses of the chemical and petrochemical industry, problems arise associated with the large size, distribution and extent of objects. There may be situations in which there are violations of the technological regulations and, as a result, the occurrence of fire, fire and smoke. Using the technology of unmanned piloting, monitoring and monitoring of large-sized objects becomes more accessible, and the regulated flight of objects allows you to identify and prevent dangerous situations. The approach proposed in the work of applying the spatio-temporal model of objects of observation and highlighting smoke areas allows us to solve the problem of detecting moving objects (smoke, flames) in the absence of a priori information, combining further moving areas of the images of objects to obtain hazard information.
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Recommended Citation
Varlamova, Lyudmila Petrovna
Chemical Technology, Control and Management: Vol. 2020:
3, Article 11.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34920/2020.3.66-72
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