The article describes the simulation of the temperature field in a wide range of structural and operational parameters of the drying process. A qualitatively new representation of the temperature field profile in the chamber is revealed. As a result of the experiments, criteria were found for the unevenness of the temperature profiles on the pallets of the dispersion of the temperature of the material and the slope of the approximating line at fixed values of the average temperature of the substance. In the course of the work, an interrelation between the criteria of unevenness was revealed, which is clearly manifested when comparing optimization options according to various criteria. The solution to the optimization problem gives small deviations. The developed model allows you to organize process control taking into account strategic tasks: maximum performance or minimum power consumption. An engineering technique is proposed for selecting individual operational and design parameters of the installation based on the proposed nomograms.
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Recommended Citation
Sultanova, Shaxnoza Abduvaxitovna; Safarov, Jasur Esirgapovich; and Raxmanova, Tojiniso Tursunboyevna
Chemical Technology, Control and Management: Vol. 2020:
3, Article 5.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34920/2020.3.29-34
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