The paper presents the results of an experimental study of the intensification of heat transfer of a swirling flow in a cylindrical channel with two tangential and axial swirlers. During the experiments, such parameters were measured as: air flow in front of the vortex apparatus; hot water consumption; pressure drop in the vortex apparatus; temperature of working media at the inlet to the apparatus and at the outlet of it. A method for intensifying the heat transfer process, which is based on swirling a gas stream by its tangential supply, has been developed and investigated. Experimental studies of the intensity of heat transfer in a vortex apparatus have been carried out. The effect of gas velocity and irrigation density on the heat transfer rate has been established. In addition, experimental data are presented in the form of a dependence of the heat transfer coefficient on the ratios of the mass flow rates of liquid and gas, which confirmed the increase in heat transfer intensity with increasing gas velocity and irrigation density.
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Bakhronov, Khoshim Shayimovich; Akhmatov, Abdumalik Abduvahobovich; and Kadirov, Yorkin Bakhodirovich
Chemical Technology, Control and Management: Vol. 2020:
3, Article 6.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34920/2020.3.35-39
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