Modeling the structure of a distributed network can be based on the architecture of an associative infocommunication network, which displays the processes and mechanisms of interaction of components in the corresponding nodes of the structure. It is shown that for the description and functional representation of a distributed network, it is appropriate to apply decomposition for the field of software engineering, the purpose of which is to create theories that interact with each other according to well-defined rules. A conceptual representation of the distributed space behavior model is given. The paper discusses the modeling of the evolutionary search.
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Recommended Citation
Nodirbek, Yusupbekov Rustambekovich; Gulyamov, Shukhrat Manapovich; Usmanova, Nargiza Baxtiyorbekovna; and Doshchanova, Malika Yuldashovna
Chemical Technology, Control and Management: Vol. 2020:
3, Article 9.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34920/2020.3.49-58
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