The conceptual foundations of modeling multi-coordinate mechatronic modules of robots are considered. The use of a multi-coordinate mechatronic movement module in robots made it possible to obtain at the output of one module several linear and angular coordinates, which reduces the weight and dimensions of the robot and thereby improves its dynamic characteristics. The proposed original concept of the mathematical description of a multi-coordinate mechatronic module, which is focused on displaying their structural and operating features. A structural diagram of a developed industrial robot operating in a Cartesian coordinate system and built on the basis of a multi-coordinate mechatronic module with three output coordinates is presented. When modeling a mechatronic module, its principle of operation is displayed by logical models of its constituent elements. Structural diagrams of a composite power electromagnet and a multi-coordinate mechatronic module of an industrial robot have been constructed using the MATLAB software.
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Nodirbekovich, Yusupbekov Azizbek; Nuritdinovich, Nazarov Khayriddin; Rustamovich, Matyokubov Nurbek; and Rakhimov, Temurbek Omonboyevich
Chemical Technology, Control and Management: Vol. 2020:
4, Article 2.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34920/2020.4.10-15
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