An intelligent optoelectronic device for accounting and control of water flow in open channels is considered. The elements of the construction, the principle of operation, taking into account the profile of the hydraulic structure are given. Analytical methods are proposed for reducing periodic fluctuations relative to the horizontal water level. To improve the accuracy of accounting, the rate coefficient Ky was introduced. The choice of a micro-processor has been substantiated, which allows to process simultaneously a number of signals (level, flow rate, speed, temperature) and to solve problems: implementation of dynamic indication; implementation of communication with the periphery; implementation of all computations. The technical characteristics of the device are given.
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Shipulin, Yu.G.; Khusanov, A.M.; Khalilova, P.Yu.; and Ergashev, O.M.
Chemical Technology, Control and Management: Vol. 2020:
5, Article 11.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34920/2020.5-6.58-62