Constructive approaches, principles, and methods of optimization of identification in conditions of a priori insufficiency, parametric uncertainty, nonstationarity, low accuracy of data processing have been developed based on the use of natural information redundancy of random time series (RTS) and nonstationary objects in control systems of industrial and technological complexes. A technique has been developed for the accelerated computation of statistical parameters with insufficient statistics. The mechanisms of threshold control of values of elements of RTS, control of increments of the sequence of elements of RTS, inaccuracies of predictions for various models of identification of RTS are proposed. Received general and particular solutions of information and optimization problems are obtained based on a wide spectrum of statistical and dynamic prediction models, taking into account the conditions of a non-stationary process. Algorithms for adaptation of the level of location, compression or expansion of boundaries, combined adaptation of variables to the dynamics of RTS have been developed. A software package identification and forecasting of non-stationary objects has been developed. Defined conditions, the sequence of execution of program modules. Algorithmic synthesis of mechanisms for identifying RTS with a mechanism was carried out in a parallel computing environment on the NVIDIA CUDA platform a modified cyclic multigrid method. Implemented on C ++ modules in the mode with a four-core AMD Athlon 64X2 4800+ processor have been performed.
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Recommended Citation
Jumanov, Isroil Ibragimovich and Kholmonov, Sunatillo Maxmudovich
Chemical Technology, Control and Management: Vol. 2020:
5, Article 19.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34920/2020.5-6.104-111