A system analysis of the system of analytical control and management of technological parameters of cotton-cleaning production was performed. At the same time, the control system is studied as an adaptive control object that quickly changes its parameters depending on the actual state of the controlled technological parameters. A method for determining the frequency of removal of technological parameters based on the methods of mathematical statistics and based on the analysis of experimental data of a particular process is proposed. The functional dependence of the original variables from the information obtained from the system sensors. The source data is formalized as a system of equations. Depending on the type of signals (additivity, multiplicativity), the system of equations have different dimensions, which is easily solved in the usual way. To account for the probability of changes in input signals, the optimal data capture frequencies are determined. A method based on the realization of the difference between sets of factors is proposed to eliminate the randomness of signal changes. Proposed partitioning the set of values of input signals generated by changing each of the factors on identical two subsets, the first of which is formed on the basis of all possible values of the monitored parameters, and the second constant constituting the input. This circumstance determines the definition of the difference of sets.
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Recommended Citation
Siddikov, I.KH.; Khalmatov, D.A.; Khuzhanazarov, U.O.; and Alimova, G.R.
Chemical Technology, Control and Management: Vol. 2020:
5, Article 24.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34920/2020.5-6.134-139