The paper considers the modeling of the process of heat transfer between heaters and material, taking into account heat exchange with the environment. To solve this problem, an experimental drying unit was assembled. Paraffin, sand, salt and brick were selected as test materials. The research carried out with the use of paraffin shows the most optimal and economical result in relation to other materials. The efficiency of paraffin application reaches 51 ºС, and the cooling time takes much longer. In addition, the selected material and the selected temperature have a beneficial effect on the drying process of plant material. The article details the data and results of the heating process of the test materials and the selection justification. In the form of tables, the data of measurements of materials with high heat capacity at various temperatures from 20 to 51,5 °C are given. The process was observed with a thickness of 4 cm and for different durations from 1 to 120 minutes. The calculations of this procedure were also performed. This work can be useful for work where paraffin is used as a heating agent and, if necessary, for performing calculations.
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Safarov, J.E.; Sultanova, Sh.A.; Dadayev, G.T.; Jumayev, B.T.; and Saydullayev, A.B.
Chemical Technology, Control and Management: Vol. 2020:
5, Article 27.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34920/2020.5-6.157-161