

The problems of automation of the technological process of saw gin of cotton are considered. The task and technical requirements to the control and management system for the saw gin of cotton are formulated. Based on the technical requirements, an algorithm is developed for the functioning of the control and management system. Using microprocessor technology, an automated monitoring and control system has been developed for the saw gin unit of cotton. The developed automated control and management system was tested in the production conditions of the ginnery and implemented.

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1. N.Z.Kamalov, Sh.Z.Kamalov, “Automation of the process of feeding material to the technological processes of the cotton gin plant”, Materials of reports of the international STC, pp. 46-49, 2018.

2. N.Z.Kamalov, Sh.Z.Kamalov, “Optimization and control of the fiber separation process”, Collection of materials of the international STC, Margilan, (UzNIINV-80), no. 3, July 27-28, 2017, pp. 149-153.

3. N.Z.Kamalov, Sh.Z.Kamalov, Zh.N.Kamalov, Z.R.Shadjalilov, S.Kamalov, “Introduction of an automated control system for the technological process of ginning of raw cotton at the enterprises of “Uzpaxtasanoat” JSC”, Collection of scientific articles of the XXIV International SPC “INNOVATION-2019”, Tashkent, 2019. pp. 231-232.

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Engineering Commons



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