Modern industrial enterprises are characterized by large volumes, complexity and interconnectedness of streams of operational and static information about the technological process. The process of its accumulation and processing is one of the most important in accounting, control of functioning and production management, which leads to the creation of an integrated information database to automate the solution of management problems. To solve this problem, it is proposed to create an information-algorithmic system for technological monitoring of production processes. In the conditions of complexity, dynamism and indistinctness of the characteristics of production processes in industrial enterprises, the development and accumulation of knowledge about the models of the object, methods of solving automation problems, as well as the corresponding tools that allow to effectively maintain and develop, the information management environment are becoming more and more in demand.
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Recommended Citation
Yunusova, S.T. and Atajonov, M.O.
Chemical Technology, Control and Management: Vol. 2020:
5, Article 33.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34920/2020.5-6.189-192