

The article discusses the increasing efficiency of the technological equipment for the processing of cable waste. It is proposed to solve the problem by using modern expert systems, such as artificial neural networks (ANN), which will allow diagnosing the working system of the equipment, making technical and technological assessment of its condition effectively, taking into account noisiness of input data. The solution to the technological problem is based on the use of artificial intelligence methods, based on artificial neural networks, which allow achieving new functionality of the cable waste processing line and improving the quality of technical diagnostics.

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1. Ju.A.Gluhov, S.P.Glushko, S.I.Zhad'ko, “Programma dlja otslezhivanija vzaimozavisimosti faktov na osnove nejronnyh setej” [A program for tracking the interdependence of facts based on neural networks], Svidetel'stvo o gosudarstvennoj registracii programmy dlja JeVM №2012616505, Zaregistrirovano 18.07.2012.

2. Ju.A.Gluhov, S.P.Glushko, S.I.Zhad'ko, “Programma dlja raspoznavanija teksta i izobrazhenija na osnove nejronnyh setej” [Program for text image recognition based on neural networks], Svidetel'stvo o gosudarstvennoj registracii programmy dlja JeVM №2012616712, Zaregistrirovano 26.06.2020.

3. Ju.A.Gluhov, S.P.Glushko, “Perspektivy razvitija slozhnogo analiza struktury teksta i ego izmenenija na osnove nechetkoj logiki nejronnyh setej” [Prospects for the development of complex analysis of text structure and its changes based on fuzzy logic of neural networks], Cbornik nauchnyh studencheskih rabot KubGTU, Krasnodar, 2012, pp. 80-82 (in Russian).

4. Ju.A.Gluhov, V.P.Zykova, “Analiz oblasti primenija nejronnyh setej dlja reshenija zadach jekonomicheskogo prognozirovanija” [Analysis of the application of neural networks for solving economic forecasting problems], Cbornik nauchnyh studencheskih rabot KubGTU «Postkrizisnoe razvitie rossijskoj jekonomiki», Krasnodar, vol. 1, 2012, pp. 13-16 (in Russian).

5. http://www.waste.ru/modules/section/item.php?com_mode=nest&com_order=0&itemid=181.

6. https://www.waste.ru/modules/section/item.php?itemid=174.

7. I.A.Birger, Tehnicheskaja diagnostika [Technical diagnostics]. Moskva: Mashinostroenie, 1978, 240 p. (in Russian).

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