

The requirement of reliability and safety of hydraulic systems is always relevant: both in the design process, and in the operation, repair and monitoring processes. Currently, systems designed to support decision-making processes, in particular situational-advising systems, as a type of expert systems, are becoming particularly relevant. The main components of the formalization and construction of fuzzy situational models of correspondences of the type “situation - causes - actions” (S-C-A) for the processes of defect detection of a hydraulic unit are described.

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1. D.A.Pospelov, Situational management. Theory and practice, Moscow: Science, 1986, 288 p.

2. A.N.Melikhov, L.S.Bernstein, S.Y.Korovin, Situational advisory systems with fuzzy logic. Moscow: Science, 1990, 271 p.

3. G.G.Gakhun, V.I.Baulin, V.D.Volodin, and others, Design and design of liquid rocket engines. Moscow: Mechanical Engineering, 1989, 424p.

4. T.S.Nusratov, The method of translation of relevant representations and its application. Tashkent: Publ. “FAN” RUz, 1985, 116 p.

5. T.S.Nusratov, Algorithmization of directional systems based on structural correspondence models. Monograph, Tashkent: Publ. TIIAME, 2020, 202 p.

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