

This article deals with methods of ensuring the protection of personal data through the use of the process of anonymisation, as well as with the definition of the process of data anonymisation as a strategy for preserving basic information from the full set of personal data and mitigating possible risks that need to be taken into account in the use of data anonymisation methods.

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4. Information Commissioner’s office, “Anonymization: managing data protection risks, code of practice”, 2012.

5. E.Y.Mishchenko, “Quantitative analysis of the procedure for depersonalising personal data. Method of identifiers introduction”, SUSU Bulletin. Ser.: Computer technologies, management, radio electronics, vol. 15, no. 3, pp.18-25, 2015.

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7. E.Y.Mishchenko, “Quantitative analysis of the procedure for depersonalising personal data. Method of composition or semantic change”, Vestnik Ural District. Security in information sphere, no. 1(19), pp.30-38, 2016.

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