Mathematical modeling of the processes of operational dispatch control of complex technological objects was carried out using the example of catalytic cracking of oil. It is shown that further progress in the catalytic cracking of hydrocarbon feedstock is associated with the involvement of heavy vacuum distillates, fuel oils and other oil residues as feedstock for the production of high-octane gasoline fractions, as well as with the implementation of improved or advanced control systems and development of adaptive algorithms for operational dispatching predictive control that allow control systems to track the current technological situation and form control actions that are adequate to it, compensating for uncontrollable disturbances.
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7. M.Z.Babamuxamedova, M.Yu.Doshchanova, F.A.Ergashev, “Principle of authentic equivalence in problems of Adaptive controls in the conditions of aprioristic Uncertainty”, Otkritiye semanticheskiye texnologii proyektirovaniya intellektualnix sistem, OSTIS-2016, Materili VI mejdunarodnoy nauchno-texnicheskoy konferensii, Minsk, 2016, pp. 565-568.
Recommended Citation
Gulyamov, Sh.M.; Avazov, Yu.Sh.; Doshchanova, M.Yu.; and Samadov, E.
Chemical Technology, Control and Management: Vol. 2020:
5, Article 4.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34920/2020.5-6.23-28