Today, production management using integrated information and analytical systems and their integration with the elements of Industry 4.0 is considered one of the most pressing problems in all areas of production. The correct formation of the structure of information systems in their development contributes to the formation of elements of Industry 4.0 and their further full and high-quality integration into other areas. When implementing these processes, one of the most important steps is to reduce the impact of disturbances on integrated information and analytical systems. Taking into account the above, the article considers mathematical models of the principles of eliminating the influence of disturbances on integrated information and analytical systems. In addition, the optimal solutions for reducing the impact of disturbances on integrated information and analytical systems are presented.
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Recommended Citation
Zaripov, Orifjon Olimovich; Hamrakulov, Umidjon Sharabidinovich; and Isxakova, Fatima Faxritdinovna
Chemical Technology, Control and Management: Vol. 2021:
2, Article 13.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.51346/tstu-02.21.1-77-0013
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