

The article deals with the problems of numerical modeling of nonlinear physical processes of the stress-strain state of structural elements. An elastoplastic medium of a homogeneous solid material is investigated. The results of computational experiments on the study of the process of physically nonlinear deformation of isotropic elements of three-dimensional structures with a system of one- and double-periodic spherical cavities under uniaxial compression are presented. The influence and mutual influence of stress concentrators in the form of spherical cavities, vertically located two cavities and a horizontally located system of two cavities on the deformation of the structure are investigated. Numerical algorithms have been developed for solving the problems of physically nonlinear deformation of structures made of structural materials, which make it possible to effectively use the capabilities of computer technology. The optimal parameters of computational experiments on the construction and calculation of structures made of fibrous composite materials using a specialized software package have been determined.

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