

This article presents the main stages of the development of an automated system of processes for determining and ensuring functional and parametric compatibility (FPC) of components of production and technological systems (PTS), in particular production and technological modules (PTM) of machine-building production, respectively, based on the analysis and systematization of technological zones of loading of the main technological equipment (MTE) and the construction of coating surfaces, the main parameters of industrial robots and storage systems (SS), determination and mathematical formalization of coating surfaces and guiding planes of MTE loading zones, formation of types of analytical dependences of FPC PTM functions, development of a mathematical model for automating the processes of determining and providing FPC of PTM components. The present developed automated system can be used in the processes of restructuring and modernization of domestic machine-building production systems by automating the processes of building optimal production and technological structures of various hierarchical levels for the purpose of information, technological and functional-parametric integration of domestic and foreign production structures of mechanical engineering.

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