

β-diketone-ferrocenoylacetone was obtained by Claisen condensation. Meta-nitrobenzoylhydrazone of ferrocenoylacetone (H2L) was synthesized by the interaction of meta-nitrobenzoic acid hydrazide with ferrocenoylacetone. On its basis, complexes with copper(II) and nickel(II) ions were synthesized. The obtained compounds were characterized by the methods of elemental analysis, IR-, 1H NMR andelectronic spectroscopy. The research results showed that H2L in solution exists in the form of a tautomeric mixture: hydrazone, α-hydroxyazine, and cyclic 5-hydroxypyrazoline forms. According to the results of IR and 1H NMR spectra, the complexes were assigned a planar-square structure, and in them the doubly deprotonated ligand residue is coordinated by a metal atom through two oxygen atoms and a nitrogen atom of the hydrazone fragment. The fourth place in the flat square of the trans- N2O2-coordination site is occupied by the ammonia molecule.

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