

This scientific paper deals with the problem of extracting Ca2+ and Md2+ salts from water in order to prevent the formation of scale on the heating surfaces of heat exchange equipment. The features, advantages and disadvantages of chemical, membrane and ion exchange methods of water treatment have been evaluated. It has been shown that the chemical method of water purification can be used only for the preparation of industrial water at large stations (at the same time, high residual hardness prevails in the water, the equipment has low productivity), and the membrane method requires pretreatment of water, creation of overpressure and the inability to regenerate the membrane. The ion-exchange method, despite its inherent disadvantages, is the most promising, since this method does not form sediment, which must be removed with the help of additional devices, does not form sludge, there is a possibility of restoring ion exchange capacity, as well as the compact size of the installation, ease of maintenance and high efficiency.

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