

Currently, in the world in the field of science, engineering and technology, including in mechatronics and robotics, the creation of multi-coordinate mechatronic systems that perform power and control functions is becoming of paramount importance, this is due to a number of important positive qualities of the systems, such as simplicity and compactness of the design, the possibility of obtaining significant efforts, high accuracy and stability of the establishment of fixed positions, ease of control and high reliability. This article presents the calculation of the parameters of multi-position mechatronic modules based on linear execution elements. In the construction of this model, the geometric dimensions of the areas of application of multi-position linear electromagnetic mechatronic modules are deeply analyzed. In addition to the linear motion-based mechatronic modules, the maximum and minimum ambient temperatures, and a number of other quantities, the specifications include, of course, the optimum quality index. In particular, the calculations presented in the article were performed for a specific type of mechatronic module. Based on this, a design scheme of a multi-position mechatronic module is proposed, and calculations are recommended for multi-position electromagnetic mechatronic modules based on this type of linear executive element.

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