

The requirements of high operational reliability are most fully met by automated monitoring and control systems, the elements of which are magnetoelastic sensors. Such sensors, due to their metrological characteristics, have found application in electrified railway transport, in the metallurgical, metalworking, mining and other industries. The principle of operation of such sensors is based on the fact that in the process of influencing the magnetic core of the sensor by force, there is a change in the magnetic permeability of the material, a change in the magnetic resistance of the circuit, a change in the mutual inductance coefficient of the working windings, as well as a change in the secondary EMF.

Currently, research is underway to improve the accuracy and sensitivity of magnetoelastic sensors, especially the above-mentioned changes depending on the values of the magnetomechanical properties of the material.

In the article, based on the results of well-known research works, the dependences of the magnetic permeability of the material on magnetic induction, on mechanical stress are obtained, the replacement scheme of the sensing element developed by the author of a magnetoelastic sensor with distributed mechanical stresses, compiled on the basis of the "Electronics Workbench" programs, according to which the functional dependence of the state of a ferromagnetic material on magnetic stress is obtained. As a result of the analysis of the ratios given in the paper, it is shown that in order to increase the sensitivity of the magnetoelastic sensor, it is necessary to choose a magnetic core material with high magnetic permeability.

It is established that the sensitivity of a magnetoelastic sensor can be increased by selecting the type of magnetic material, determining the optimal dimensions of the magnetic circuit, selecting the parameters of the excitation winding circuits and measuring winding, constructing a static characteristic of the sensor.

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