This article analyzes the process of metrological control of gas analyzers and metrological requirements for them. The current state of the standards used in the state metrological control of gas analyzers and the results of the analyzes were studied. The task of choosing the measuring instruments used in the verification process and optimizing the requirements for them is set. An experimental verification process was organized in three groups using several measuring devices, and the reliability of the verification results was assessed. With the use of modern measuring instruments, a graph of the output value was built during the experimental verification of the gas analyzer Autotest 02.02.
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Recommended Citation
Khakimov, Ortigali; Matyakubova, Paraxat Mayliyevna; and Maxmudjonov, Mirolim Muhammad o'g'li
Chemical Technology, Control and Management: Vol. 2023:
2, Article 5.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59048/2181-1105.1426
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