

The necessity of automating the control and evaluation of the technical and operational indicators of motor vehicles (ATS) is substantiated. A classification of the main technical and operational indicators of vehicles has been carried out. Motor vehicles can be classified according to dimensions, weight, carrying capacity, cross-country ability, speed, maneuverability and other indicators. A brief review and analysis of well-known technical means of foreign firms, designed to automate the control and evaluation of the technical and operational indicators of vehicles and agricultural machinery, has been carried out. It is noted that more than 90% of the considered devices and means are intended for research and testing of regime parameters and operation of the units. When monitoring and evaluating the main technical and operational indicators of vehicles, a number of parameters are not given due attention, for example, driving with a load or idling, machine downtime, the number of turns and others. It was revealed that a comprehensive assessment of all these parameters is associated with the complication of the on-board system circuits, a decrease in the reliability of its operation, software complexity and other significant problems. For ease of monitoring the operational parameters of vehicles, it is proposed to carry out local control of individual technical and operational indicators, and then, on their basis, calculate the complex technical and operational indicators of vehicles. It is noted that in order to automate the control of these parameters, it is necessary to select or develop sensors, devices and methods of control.

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