

The use of Industry 4.0 technologies in modern production serves to increase production efficiency. Robots and robotic complexes with innovative intelligent control are widely used in industrial production. However, studying their mechanical part, linear motion mechatronic modules and control system is a complex object. The variety and complexity of control methods and operating modes negatively affects the operator's working time and production productivity. In such cases, it is necessary to improve control methods and develop technologies used in industry, including robots and robotic manipulators, which allow to perform short movements with high accuracy and speed. In the article, the mathematical model, control method and modes of the "Efort collaboration robot 5" type industrial robot built on the basis of linear motion mechatronic modules are developed. Among the control methods, positional control and contour mode control methods were considered. Based on the mentioned mathematical model, the methods of controlling the speed of the robot manipulator in the positional control mode, and high-precision implementation of the work speed in the contour control mode have been developed. Also, a functional scheme of the ECR 5-type industrial robot built on the basis of linear motion mechatronic modules based on positional coordinates is proposed, which allows high-accuracy execution of movements at different accelerations and different operating modes and calculation of technical parameters of the robot.

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