

The issue of synthesis of an adaptive control system for multi-channel and multi-mode objects is considered. Development that of effective adaptive control algorithms for nonlinear dynamic systems ensure quality indicators of processes. In technological processes, it is necessary to control several parameters or several systems at the same time. For such a process control system, an adaptive control system is created. Work has been carried out on structural projects for the installation of adaptive systems. The stable requirements for the correction of adaptive control systems are seen. A review of several parametric deviation detections, based on the reference model and analyzer performance. Adaptive systems based on the indicators of analyzer, the identification of deviations and reference modules are mentioned there. Methods of connecting for linear controlling objects and the number of controls loops, the in the multi-mode objects is mentioned there. An exemplified for adaptive control system as the gas turbine engine in the control object. The method of connecting the adaptive system to the control object is seen as an exemplified of the gas turbine engine process.

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