

This paper presents the results of a study of the parameters of a new technological scheme for the extraction of uranium from technogenic uranium ores. The results of the analytical determination of the concentration of parent - 238U and daughter radionuclides - 234U , 230Th , 226Ra , 222Rn , 218Pa , 214Pb , etc. are presented . in the studied technogenic uranium ores. The principal scheme of the new uranium extraction technology from technogenic uranium ores is presented. The use of the classifier in a new scheme for separating granules of technogenic uranium ores is justified. Based on the conducted research of the parameters of the new technological scheme for uranium extraction from technogenic uranium ores, a reduction in uranium concentration and specific effective activity (Aeff) in technogenic uranium ores by up to 30% has been achieved, along with an additional uranium extraction of up to 70%. It is shown that, based on the research carried out and the results obtained, it is possible to solve a complex social issue associated with the harmful effects of ionizing radiation on personnel working in uranium production and on the environment. The results of the reclamation of secondary uranium-containing ores are provided. The effective aspects of the proposed new technological scheme for the extraction of uranium from technogenic uranium ores are shown.

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