

The purpose of scientific research work is remote control of improving the metrological properties of the water flow measuring device. Therefore, the Arduino platform with an additional ESP8266 NodeMcu v3 and analog-to-digital converter, module was installed in the scientific article for automatic calibration/checking of ultrasonic flow meters used in irrigation networks. The module is integrated into a 32-bit microcontroller with low power consumption. The ESP8266 NodeMcu v3 module operates at 80 and 160 MHz clock frequencies, supports real-time operating system (RTOS), built-in Wi-Fi, and has a microstrip antenna on board. Through this, the data exchange between the computing equipment and the flow meter was carried out wirelessly. The module was also used as an HTTP server. Metrological and other information exchange was carried out using GET and POST requests. The mentioned devices performed the given task correctly and qualitatively.

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