

This article discusses the development of a measurement and control system for monitoring and managing the balance of active and reactive power at power plants based on “Green” energy sources. Monitoring and management of the balance of active and reactive power based on a measurement and control system, calculated expressions are developed to solve the problem of reactive power compensation when transmitting electricity at power plants based on “green” energy sources. Reactive power is calculated based on measured active power, and combined reactive power sources generate the reactive power required by the network based on control signals. Schemes for connecting these reactive power sources to the network have been developed, and this diagram(Scheme) shows the installation of a measurement control device. The schematic block diagram of a measurement control device shows the sequence of the process of measuring and processing electrical data, as well as the generation of control signals. To study the operating principle and elements of a device created to monitor and manage reactive power consumption, a microcontroller, a signal converter and measuring transducers were selected. An algorithm for monitoring and managing the balance of active and reactive power has been developed for the device software. At the same time, equations for separating current, voltage and frequency signals in the phase section were developed.

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