

This study introduces a semicylindrical capacitive sensor, featuring an internal dielectric insulator, designed to measure moisture levels in bulk and other materials while in motion. The research employs numerical analysis to explore the sensor's capacitance variation and evaluate its performance. The change in capacitance of the semicylindrical capacitive sensor in the picofarad range is easily converted into a change in the frequency of the generator, which is implemented on an operational amplifier with feedback. The generator circuit is quite compact, and its output can be connected directly to the discrete input of a microcontroller without a matching element. Using the approximation method, taking into account the constructed formulas, a calculation was made, and a graph was constructed to illustrate the dependence of the change in capacitance of the semicylindrical capacitor on the change in the distance between the plates of the semicylinder. The measurement results fully confirmed the reliability of the theoretical outcomes.

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