

The paper considers the issues of synthesizing a predictor controller as part of a control system for a non-stationary dynamic plant with a predictive model. Technological processes in industry, in essence, have non-stationarity properties, the parameters of which can change during the execution of technological operations. To control such nonstationary dynamic control plants, controllers built on the basis of predictive models have found wide application. The article is devoted to the issue of studying automatic control systems of a non-stationary dynamic plant with a base regulator-predictor. To synthesize a regulator - predictor, it is proposed to use a predictive model of a non-stationary plant, which makes it possible to ensure the best trajectory of the controlled variable feature of using the regulator – predictor the presence of an accurate model of the plant. A mathematical model of the impregnation reservoir has been developed in an analytical method using material balance controls. To determine the value of optimal control actions, the least squares method was used. To check the reliability of the proposed methodology, a simulation experiment was carried out, changing the parameters of the control plant to produce a harmonic effect with a certain amplitude and frequency. Based on the obtained transient processes, the quality indicators of the control system were determined. Comparative and analysis of the results obtained allowed us to draw a conclusion about the advantages of the proposed regulator-predictor over others.

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