The paper presents the results of an experimental study on the intensification of convective heat exchange in tubular-lattice packings of rectification columns. Currently, in various sectors of the country's economy, either plate or packed rectification columns are mainly used, and combined devices are not used. Therefore, in this paper, studies were conducted on the intensification of the rectification process by using tubes with spiral turbulators with their staggered and corridor placement in the tube sheet. Analysis of the experimental data showed that the pitch of the turbulators s/deb significantly affects the heat exchange process. At the pitch of the spiral turbulators s/deb=14.2 and the Reynolds criterion number Rev=38, the heat transfer coefficient is K=212, and at s/deb=9.32, the coefficient is K=255, and at s/deb=5.11, respectively, K=300 W/m2×K. It was experimentally established that with a staggered arrangement of pipes on a tube sheet, the intensification of heat transfer relative to the corridor arrangement of pipes is 8-26%, depending on the pitch of the turbulators. From the experimental data, it is evident that the degree of intensification of tubular-lattice packing made of pipes with spiral pipes was ~1,5-1,6, relative to a package of smooth-tube packing.
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Nurillaeva, Ainagul Abdiualievna; Mavlonov, Elbek Tulkinovich; Nurmukhamedov, Khabibulla Sadullaevich; and Khudoiberdieva, Nazora Sharofovna
Chemical Technology, Control and Management: Vol. 2024:
5, Article 11.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59048/2181-1105.1631