This article is dedicated to developing a generalized structural-parametric conceptual model of the electromagnetic mechatronic module. The design of a mechatronic module based on an electromagnetic linear motor, which performs reciprocating movements in space along different coordinates simultaneously, is presented. This module is used to enhance the functional capabilities of mechatronic systems and robotic complexes employed in modern automotive, textile, mining, metallurgy, and energy industries. It also serves to improve technical characteristics such as operational accuracy and speed. Based on this design, a computational scheme has been constructed using a van-equivalent T-shaped four-pole circuit model of the mechatronic module. It corresponds to the forces generated by the reciprocating movements of the electromagnetic linear motor’s anchor, which forms the core of the mechatronic module. The use of Laplace transformation methods has been proposed to represent these forces. Based on the proposed four-pole equivalent circuit model, it has been developed. The generalized structural-parametric conceptual model enables the determination of the transfer functions in controlling the electromagnetic mechatronic module. It also allows the use of automatic control theory methods to calculate the dynamic and static electromechanical characteristics necessary for managing reciprocating movements. Additionally, based on the structural-parametric conceptual model, the mathematical foundations for determining and mitigating the effects of the geometric and physical parameters of the electromagnetic mechatronic module, as well as external factors, on its dynamic characteristics are provided. Also, on the basis of the structural-parametric conceptual model, the geometric and physical parameters of the electromagnetic mechatronic module and the influence of external factors on the dynamic characteristics and their elimination, as well as the mathematical foundations of ensuring the continuity of forward-reciprocating movements in different coordinates in space, are presented.
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Recommended Citation
Matyokubov, N.R. and Rakhimov, T.O.
Chemical Technology, Control and Management: Vol. 2024:
5, Article 15.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59048/2181-1105.1635