This paper presents a comparative analysis of existing 'NOT' logic elements (LE) based on MOSFET transistors and their analogs using bipolar transistors. It was found that the 'NOT' LE circuit implemented with n-MOS transistors is analogous to the 'NOT' LE implemented with n-p-n bipolar transistors, i.e., integral-injection logic (I2L). The circuit of the LE"NOT" made on p-MOS transistors is an analog of the LE"NOT» made on bipolar transistors of the p-n-p structure. The methodologically significant similarity between the LE"NOT," implemented on complementary MOSFET transistors, and the LE" NOT," implemented on complementary bipolar transistors (BT), using the injection-voltaic effect and representing a special type of I2L is shown. As a result of using the injection-voltaic effect in circuit design, a new element base was created. It has been theoretically and experimentally established that the LE"NOT," implemented on complementary BTs, operates at record low supply voltages of the order of the contact potential difference.
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Аlimova, Nodira Batirdjanovna and Gulyamova, Nilufar Baxtiyorovna
Chemical Technology, Control and Management: Vol. 2024:
5, Article 17.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59048/2181-1105.1637