

The given paper presents the flow distribution in magnetic circuits of measuring transducers with distributed resistance parameters of long ferromagnetic rods and the magnetic capacitance between them and a concentrated excitation winding using the example of a magnetic circuit of a new magnetically elastic tensile force measuring transducer. It is shown that in such magnetic circuits, the magnetic voltage and magnetic flux into the section of the excitation winding installation have maximum values, gradually decreasing from this section toward the end parts of the magnetic circuit. Suppose the rate of change of the magnetic voltage along the coordinate is practically independent of the value of the attenuation coefficient of the magnetic field in the magnetic circuit. In that case, the rate of change of the magnetic flux along the coordinate, the value of this coefficient increases with increasing values. At the same time, the magnetic voltage at the transition of the cross-section of the magnetic circuit, where the concentrated excitation winding is installed, changes its sign.

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